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6421 S. Sooner Rd.

Oklahoma 73135

Industrial Tank Builds

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Industrial Tank Builds

In the realm of industrial storage, non-rated tank builds stand tall as the jack-of-all-trades. These tanks, devoid of specific hazardous material certifications, cater to a wide array of purposes. Whether it’s safeguarding non-hazardous liquids like water or bulk storing materials for industries ranging from agriculture to food processing and select manufacturing sectors, our non-rated tanks prove their mettle.

Material and Construction Mastery

Crafted from a selection of robust materials including steel, stainless steel, fiberglass, polyethylene, or other top-tier plastics, the choice of construction hinges on the stored material and its intended environment. We guarantee a tank that’s tailored for perfection.


Design Brilliance and Capacity Excellence

With designs ranging from cylindrical and rectangular to fully customizable shapes, our tanks adapt to your specific application seamlessly. From small-scale containers to behemoth tanks, we’ve got your capacity needs covered.


Certified Simplicity

Unlike their specialized counterparts for hazardous materials, non-rated tanks operate without the burden of certifications for handling dangerous or environmentally sensitive substances. It’s all about streamlined efficiency.


Pressure-Free Proficiency

Leave pressurized processes at the door. Our non-rated tanks are designed for storage, not for the complexities of pressure or reactions. Simplify your operations with B&H Industrial.


Our tanks serve as a versatile solution for a broad spectrum of non-hazardous liquids, including water, agricultural chemicals, food products (such as vegetable oils), and other non-corrosive materials.


Applications Across Industries

Agriculture, food processing, and general manufacturing – our tanks find a cozy spot in these industries. They’re your go-to for storing water, agricultural chemicals, food products, and other non-corrosive materials.


Regulatory Compliance

While they skip the rigorous standards of hazardous material tanks, non-rated tanks still play by the rules. General safety and environmental regulations are our guiding stars.


Tailored to Perfection

Customization is our forte. Specify your material, fittings, and accessories, and watch as your tank transforms into a tailor-made marvel for your intended use.


Watchful Eyes on Maintenance and Inspection

Regular checks for leaks, corrosion, and signs of wear or damage are non-negotiable. We ensure the integrity of your tank, no compromises.


Environmental Guardianship

Even though they don’t deal with hazardous materials, environmental protection is non-negotiable. Our tanks come equipped with top-notch containment systems and spill prevention measures.